Engineer, scientist, homesteading my own way.

I was frustrated by the mysticism, obsession with aesthetics, and snake oil of modern homesteading.

There, I said it.

If you feel the same way, then you are in the right place. Homesteading isn’t some aesthetic fling anymore. Supply chain issues, rising costs, and globalist anxieties are pushing us out into the countryside. Remote work has made homesteading more accessible than ever.

This means normies like you and me are making the transition. We are a different kind of homesteader. We demand results. We didn’t move out here to live action role play. We want to eat well and work little.

My name is Alexander Manasseh. I’m the first NeoFrontiersman. The first Farmgineer. I am recapturing the resourceful nature of our ancestors.

My full-time job is in automation and embedded software. My passion is teaching America to grow all of their own food with a low budget and less than an hour a day.